How do I open a Pages, Numbers and Keynote file (Apple's iWork) and convert to a Microsoft Office or PDF format?

iPhone & iPad

  1. Save the file in a location you can access on your iPhone or iPad such as OneDrive
  2. Open the Pages, Numbers or Keynote app
  3. Find and open the file
  4. Select the share icon
    File:Ei-share-apple.svg - Wikimedia Commons
  5. Export and Send
  6. Choose Word, Excel, Powerpoint or PDF
  7. Choose a save location such as OneDrive
  8. Save or Upload

Internet Browser

Apple ID required

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in or create a new free Apple ID account.
    1. Please use your diocesan email address for registration to keep data within our systems.
  3. Use the 12 dots in the top right to open the Pages, Numbers or Keynote app
  4. Select the upload icon to upload the file you wish to convert
    Very Basic Upload To Cloud Icon | iOS 7 Iconpack | Icons8
  5. Once open, select the tools icon
    Three-Dots Icons - Free SVG & PNG Three-Dots Images - Noun Project
  6. Download a copy
  7. Choose Word, Excel, Powerpoint or PDF
  8. The converted file will be downloaded

Ask the sender to resend the file in a Microsoft Office or PDF format

Everybody using Pages, Numbers and Keynote on a Mac, iPhone or iPad can export files to a Microsoft Office or PDF format. If appropriate, ask the sender to resend the file in a Microsoft Office or PDF format and provide them with the following link for instructions:

Export from Pages, Numbers or Keynote to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and more

For the occasional export raise a support ticket and the IT Team will convert the file for you. Please store the file in SharePoint and provide a share link rather than emailing or uploading the file to the ticket. The IT Team will then save the converted file in the same location.