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How to use the boardroom Hearing Loop

How to turn on/off the hearing loop in the boardroom

The boardroom is fitted with a hearing loop.

To turn the loop on you must open the audio cupboard and press the switch which is shown below. Once the loop is on a blue light will aluminate.

Do not touch any of the other controls as this may damage the hearing aid user's hearing.

Once you have finished your meeting, please switch off the loop, the light will turn off.

  1. Heading Aid users need to switch their Hearing Aid to the "T" or Telecoil Setting: Many modern hearing aids have a telecoil (T) setting. Switch your hearing aid to this setting. It allows the hearing aid to pick up signals directly from the hearing loop system.

  2. Sit Within the Loop: Sit within the area where the loop is installed for the best reception. The effectiveness of the loop decreases as you move away from it, so find a seat close to or within the loop's perimeter. The loop covers the whole of the boardroom.