New emails are not syncing or appearing immediately in Outlook desktop

Troubleshooting Outlook desktop

Tip: If your Outlook desktop is not working, use Outlook for the Web to temporary look at your emails and calendars at

  1. Ensure you have an internet connection
  2. Check the connection status in the bottom right of the Outlook desktop window.
    1. Connected to: Microsoft Exchange = Healthy
    2. Online = Healthy
    3. Need Password = Click on Need Password and sign in using the popup dialogue box
    4. Trying to Connect or Disconnected = Unhealthy
      1. Try restarting Outlook desktop
      2. Try restarting your computer
    5. Working Offline = In offline mode. To disable offline mode:
      1. Send / Receive
      2. Unselect Work Offline
  3. Check your sync settings.
    1. Select Send / Receive
    2. Send/Receive Groups
    3. Define Send/Receive Groups
    4. Ensure Schedule an automatic send/receive every is checked with your desired minutes. 5 minutes is recommended.