How do I access the Sign In App on my phone?

How to get access to the Sign In app and what it does

This is the system we use on the iPads to sign in when you enter the building. 

Some of you may find it useful to know who is currently at Holywell Lodge, especially if you are working late.

  • If you have a diocesan mobile device you will find we have already installed it or it will automatically install if not already.
  • If you wish to install it on your own mobile device, you can access it here. which has links to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

After you have installed it and run it for the first time it will ask for a code, please raise a support ticket saying you need a code. The IT team will send you a unique code. You just need to enter this code on the screen of your device.

You can see all the features of the app at the following link:

Highlights include:-