I cannot print to the printers at Holywell Lodge

Reasons you might not be able to print using our printing service, Tungsten Printix

Tungsten Printix service issues

Printix is a cloud service and can sometimes go down. You can check the current Printix status here:

Tungsten Automation Cloud Status Page >

Unable to Connect

If you see a message when printing that you are unable to connect and there's a red no entry circle over the Tungsten Printix icon in your taskbar (bottom right), your Printix app may need reinstalling. Please raise a support ticket and the IT Team can reinstall this for you without coming onto your screen.

No Printix client online

At least 1 computer running Printix needs to be on the same staff network as the printers. Typically there is always a diocesan computer running Printix on the same network as the printers at Holywell Lodge. This enables all Printix users to print to the Holywell Lodge printers from anywhere, including the guest network.
If you're at Holywell Lodge and can't print through Printix, switch to the St Albans Diocese Staff WiFi if you are connected to the St Albans Diocese Guest WiFi and then try to print again.

Note: Only diocesan devices can connect to the St Albans Diocese Staff WiFi.

  1. Select the network icon bottom right to see what network you're on.
  2. To switch:
    1. Windows 11 only: Select the arrow right of the network icon (in green above)
    2. All Windows: Select St Albans Diocese Staff
    3. All Windows: Select Connect
  3. All diocesan devices should connect to the St Albans Diocese Staff WiFi without entering a password.
  4. Try to print again.

If this doesn't resolve your issue there might be another reason you can't print such as the printer being turned off or the Printix service is down. Please raise a support ticket if you need further help.