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  2. Website & Resource Centre

I can't upload a file, video or image to the website or resource centre because of an error or the file is too large

Help uploading documents, images and videos to stalbansdiocese.org and resource.stalbansdiocese.org


Unexpected response error: Check and amend the filename

Error Message: Unexpected response from the server.

Certain symbol characters in filenames are not allowed - see below for a list. Remove illegal characters from the filename and try uploading the file again.

Illegal Filename Characters

Do not use any of these common illegal characters or symbols in your filenames:

# pound

% percent

& ampersand

{ left curly bracket

} right curly bracket

\ back slash

< left angle bracket

> right angle bracket

* asterisk

? question mark

/ forward slash

  blank spaces

$ dollar sign

! exclamation point

' single quotes / apostrophes

" double quotes / speech marks

: colon

@ at sign

+ plus sign

` backtick

| pipe

= equal sign

Additional recommendations

  • Don’t start or end your filename with a space, period, hyphen, or underline.
  • Keep filenames to a reasonable length.
  • Avoid using spaces and underscores; use a hyphen instead. This will also improve search engine rankings.
    • Wordpress will automatically remove spaces for the file's URL (website address)

File Too Large to Upload

Videos - Embed from YouTube

Videos can be uploaded to The Diocese of St Albans YouTube channel and be embedded on your webpage.

For one off videos please contact the Comms Team with a link to the video file you want to add.

For regular use we may grant you access to the YouTube channel so you can upload videos yourself. Please contact the Comms Team for authorisation and to give you permission to access the YouTube Studio.

Note: When embedding a YouTube video please set it to Unlisted so only embeds or the direct link will work.

 Watch this video for help on embedding videos and playlists from YouTube:

Images - Reduce file size

Please refer to this knowledge base article:

How do I reduce an image file size? >

PDFs - Compress

You can compress the PDF file size to make it smaller. Use this tool provided by PrintFriendly:


Other Files - Use SharePoint

Create a SharePoint link to the file or containing folder and place them on the webpage instead.

Please refer to this knowledge base article:

How do I share a file or folder on SharePoint and OneDrive to a colleague or external user? >