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How do I embed a Microsoft Form on the diocesan website?

Add your survey or questionnaire to a relevant webpage on the diocesan website

  1. Create your Microsoft Form at https://forms.office.com/
  2. If the form collectively belongs to a team, change its ownership. See:
    How do I transfer ownership of a Microsoft Form to multiple people?
  3. In the form edit, select Collect responses
  4. Select Anyone can respond
  5. Select the </> icon.
  6. Select Copy to copy the embed code.
  7. Sign into the website
  8. Navigate to the webpage you wish to add the form to.
  9. Select Edit
  10. In the main content, add a new block by selecting the plus icon
  11. In search type Custom HTML and select the HTML button
  12. Paste the embed code into the field that contains Write HTML...
  13. Modify the width and height values:
    1. Start at width="100%" and height="1080px"
    2. eg. <iframe width="100%" height="1080px" src="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=[form_id]" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="border: none; max-width:100%; max-height:100vh" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> </iframe>
    3. Preview the page
    4. Forms that are taller than the height value will automatically gain a scrollbar. Change the height value in px to show more or less of the form. Ensure you don't delete the double quotation marks ("") or unit (px) when adjusting.
  14. Publish the webpage.